It’s the weekend and we all know what that means!

It’s the weekend and we all know what that means!

It means that today and tomorrow you can pop along and see all the great new things we’ve got in our Charity Shop. We’re newly stocked up with furniture, lots of clothes now in for the cooler weather. Shelves full of books, DVDs, glasswear, crockery….. You name it, you’ll find it in our Alladin’s cave. Oh!…and of course, not forgetting Colleen. She’s not for sale, but she’s there for a natter.
Tie a visit in with the superb Punjabi Palace next door or the best Pasteleria in the area ( oooh! That rhymes 🤔☺️) and of course, tomorrow’s La Murada Market.
Open 10-14.00 hours.
Dropped pin
Near Av. Marques de Lacy, 50, 03315 La Murada, Alicante

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