As much as we collect troughout the year, our stocks of blankets, towels, throws and newspapers are really low!

As much as we collect troughout the year, our stocks of blankets, towels, throws and newspapers are really low!

If you have any, can you please either leave at the kennel gate, take to our shop on the main road through La Murada (open At weekends), The Post Room Benijófar, Siesta Group Cabo Roig.
I’m afraid we can’t take quilts, pillows or cushions as the little scallywags shred them.

Thank you very much x

As surprises go, this was massive!

As surprises go, this was massive!

Last night, thanks to the many shares my post had. I was staggered by the number of people wanting to help us.
It was incredibly heart warming to know that so many are there for us.
Two ladies from Hondon Valley Animal Rescue (HOVAR), Ann Henley and Wendy Dengate asked me what sort of pump we needed.
They had also put a call out around their area to help us with bedding etc and asked if they could come and see us this afternoon.
Well! they arrived with a car jam packed with bedding and just look at the picture!
Not just one pump, but two!!
That’s all our areas now covered for the one thing that’s a certainty and that is that it wasn’t the first and it won’t be the last time we’re flooded.
It’s so great that another Rescue has jumped in to help us like this.
They have animals of their own to care for but they could see the trouble that ours were in and came to our aid.
Thank you so much each and every one of you.

I need help!

I need help!

I know a good few of our followers are avid Instagrammers and I’d love one of them to help Paradise and me.
We have an Instagram Account and it’s suddenly getting followers but I just don’t have the time to keep it up to date.
As things stand, Colleen and I have every second mapped out and as my day already finishes in the early hours, I really can’t keep the account up to date.
What we need is someone who can run the account for us by just migrating pictures from our FB page and just add a couple of words with the pic.
You don’t even need to put every post on, but just keep it ticking over.
Now you can live anywhere in the world to do this, (like Scotland 😉) you don’t need to live near the kennels but you’d be welcomed into the Paradise family with open arms.
A couple of years ago, the lovely Irene Allan co-founder of Hope for Podencos advised me that to get a good following, you have to “do” Instagram.
Sadly Irene died last year, long before her time but I still think of her advice.
If you feel you could do this for us that would be fantastic.
We’ve been let down with it in the past and we’d really love to have an Insta enthusiast with the odd hour to spare to come on board.
Is that you?
If it is, please message me. Mary-Ann Dunning

Sorry to say…

Sorry to say…

Until the Covid restrictions are relaxed, it’s not possible to keep our shop open.
As you know, this is a large source of our running costs. Hard times ahead…

We would love you to help us with this!

We would love you to help us with this!

As our Jewellery Auction draws to a close, we’ve got to get cracking with our exciting “Christmas Bonanza Auction”.
We will have lots of things to buy outright and lots to bid for and what we’d like, is for you to rummage through your drawers for unwanted presents that you think others might want. We need good quality items suitable for mailing. If you’re a crafter, artist, knitter, anything creative, we’d love you to donate to this fundraiser. If you have anything you think is suitable, please message me Mary-Ann Dunning and I’ll tell you how we’ll run it.
Make sure you check in to our Auction page to see the Jewellery winners on Sunday and then in the following week or so, the photos of the next items will be popping up. Let’s make it a success for our dogs x

Our lockdown babies have all flown the nest

Our lockdown babies have all flown the nest

Finally the last of our beautiful little Boxer Xs are on their way! Paco and Lola have boarded the Happy Van with Jamie and Jeanette Scott bound for The Wirral. They’re off to the Traces Kennel today, all part of the DEFRA control of imported animals into the UK, then they’ll be arriving very soon with Paula Adley, who, I can tell you, on an excitement scale of 1-10 is currently at 100!
Paws on the Move also very kindly transported more soft toys for our puppies and two large metal crates! Our lovely Lorraine Jacques-goodacre and John Goodacre met the Van on its return journey to Spain and filled it with these goodies for us!
Thank you so much for this and “Buen Viaje” Paco, Lola and Paws on the Move. x